Curriculum Guide
View our curriculum By Grade (Preschool-Grade 8), or Division (Early Childhood, Lower School, Middle School), or Overview of all subjects, and By Subject using the tabs below.
If you have any questions about the guide, please contact Assistant Head of School and Director of Admissions & Program Angela DiMaria.
By Grade or Division
By Subject
Our Mission
We awaken the passion and potential of all individuals within a welcoming, diverse community led by Quaker values.
The school counselor comes to the preschool through grade 5 classrooms alternating weeks to teach valuable social and emotional skills...
Group Guidance: Healthy communication skills, friendship skills, decision-making and social problem solving skills...
Group Guidance: Healthy communication skills, friendship skills, decision-making and social problem solving skills...
Group Guidance: Continue to build upon those skills learned in 1st - 3rd grades, Leaders for Lower School (socially, academically, emotionally)...
Nutrition & Mental Health: Human Anatomy & Physiology, My Plate (The New Food Pyramind), Portion Distortion, Feelings and Food...
Neurobiology: The Brain & Addiction: Letting Values & Testimonies Guide You...Self-Care (healthy brain & body), Integrity & Community...
Human Sexuality: Decision-Making & Stress...Realistic Scenarios and Role Playing, Setting Boundaries (body, brain, relationships)...