Fair Trade Resources

We're proud to be one of the first Fair Trade Schools in the nation, and fortunate to be located in the heart of Media, America's First Fair Trade Town! Media-Providence Friends School became a certified Fair Trade school in 2014 and continues to be deeply committed to the mission of fair trade, especially as it connects to the Quaker Testimonies in educating students about using their purchasing power to make a better world. 

Fair Trade 101
When we buy Fair Trade certified goods, we ensure:

  • A stable, living wage for farmers and artisans in developing countries
  • Care for the environment
  • Capacity-building in communities (schools, wells, etc.)
  • Good working conditions

Click here to learn more about why fair trade is important.

Learn More: Fair Trade Coffee

Fair Trade Shopping Guides:



Buy Fair, Buy Local
Below is a list of local vendors who stock Fair Trade items, Visit often and tell them their friends at MPFS sent you!