Planned Giving

Bequests, charitable gift annuities, trusts and other planned giving arrangements are vital to the School’s work and future. In 2006 Media-Providence Friends School founded the “1876 Society”, named after the year Friends was established, to recognize those in our community who have included the School in their estate plans. Comprised of past and present trustees, parents, alumni, faculty and grandparents, its members share a deep regard for the work we do here for children in their formative years.

A gift to MPFS that is a part of a thoughtful, comprehensive estate plan provides a way of completing a lifetime of giving. It may also allow you to make a significant gift to MPFS that was not possible at an earlier stage of life. Planned gifts can provide advantages such as lifetime income and tax benefits to the donor or other beneficiaries.

We would be delighted to welcome you as a member of the 1876 Society. Please click here to let us know if you have named MPFS beneficiary of a deferred gift. If you would like more information please contact Assistant Head of School for Development, Cynthia McGoff.

Tax ID: 23-1386177

*This information is general in nature and not intended as legal advice. Please talk to your legal or financial advisor about your specific circumstances.

Help MPFS continue to serves as a light in the world.

When we no longer need our capital, it will continue to generate income so that this Friendly community can continue to accept all qualified students.  - Will Scull

If people catch the spark they become torches that light the way. - Bill Ravdin

We can simply consume our resources, or we can use them to invest in ways that benefit many. - Susan Garrison


Alice Trimble Pennell Allen*
Donna Noonan Allen
Sam and Barbara Rose Caldwell
Katherine and William Camp*
David and Margaret Camp
James Tyson Carson*
Ginny Christensen
Nancy DeMis and Bruce Turetsky M.D.
Nancy Fitts Donaldson* '37
Geraldine Donovan
John and Deborah Ehleiter
Jessica Eldredge
Marian and David Elkinton*
June Evans
George S. Forsythe '45*
Susan Garrison
Dorothy Haviland
Greta Hudak and Wayne Peischl
Bruce Everett Hunt
Patricia D. Hunt
Eugene F. and Tracey Jarrell
Joan Baker Krehnbrink '68
Murry Engle Lauser and Ernest Lauser*
Michael and Judith Marcus
Will Scull and Becky Martin-Scull
Cynthia McGoff
Phyllis and Manley Mincer
Ann Murray
Emily Myers
Paul Ness
Lynn and William Oberfield
Ken Park
Mary and William D. Ravdin*
Paul and Mary Ann Restall*
Austin Schoenkopf '07
Harry and Susan Shreckengast
Earl Sissell
Parker Snowe & Leslie Friedman
Doris Tirado and Marna Barrett*
Louise and Hermon Wells*
Douglas and Althea Whyte*

William T. and Ann Windsor*
